Saturday, February 20, 2010

Meaningful Readings...

I wanted to share some more readings that have been impacting me. There are a bunch of readings here in one go, but each of them, I find, inspires me in the kind of life I would like to live with the people close to me and those I encounter everyday. Again, the readings are taken from Celtic Daily Prayer, and from the Aidan Reading on October 13.

It is your business and other's to go forth, confronting them face to face, for that is the only way of bringing them to Me. For when you are face to face with them, you love them, and once you love them, then I can speak through you.
(From Molchanie, by Catherince de Hueck Doherty)

His love that burns inside me
impels me on the road
to seek for Christ in the stranger's face
or feel the absence of His touch.

Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away.
(George Eliot)

If your heart is right with my heart,
give me your hand,
the right hand of fellowship,
the right hand of brotherhood.
If your heart is right with my heart,
give me your hand.
(no reference)

I said that this is the kind of life I want to live, the kind of life I long for. Being able to be open and real to the people I meet, to somehow be a representation of goodness to those around me, and to be able to see Christ in the people around me, or to recognize his absence and be part of bringing his presence to wherever I am. But I often feel like I'm not quite there. I'm so much in process. I think it needs to be a process though. It's not something that just happens. It's something that grows inside of us, our attitudes and in our relationships and slowly permeates into the many parts of life. I've been getting excited about the moments when I can sense these desires becoming reality in my everyday, and it seems like these moments have become much more noticable lately.


Nathan said...

Any chance you would have the music for "If your heart is right with my heart"?
If so you could just leave some info here.


Raymond Funk said...

I wish I could help you out Nathan, but I only know the words from the Celtic Daily Prayer book published by the Northumbria Community in England. It is possible that they might know of the song.
check out: