Alright, new week and new things to say. The last few days have had a share of adventures, both of which involving water.
At our last student meeting I was awarded, by default, with the ownership of a powerful water gun in order to keep my room-mate, Charles, in line. The cause of this stemmed from one time when he, being the "feeler, in the moment" kind-of-person that he is, forgot he was only wearing boxer shorts with his t-shirt as he went to convey an important message to one of the girls on second floor. Word got around about the incident and I was designated as the one to remind him, by application of pressurized water, to watch how far he goes wearing such a small amount of material. Anyway, clothing aside, I now had a water gun in my hand... which only added more ammunition to an earlier idea Charles and I had: dropping water balloon bombs from our third story window.
Well, the idea was followed through. The next day, after Charles made the supply run to purchase our arms parts, we commenced the bombing tirade with only two rules in mind: 1) do not directly hit the intended target (for good reason, these were good sized party balloons we were using, Charles found a good "arms" dealer. Also, keep in mind we were dropping them from third floor) and 2) do not target any guys, only girls were to feel the wrath of our aqueous barrage. Not only did we use our party balloons in our water assault, but my water pressured award was put into quick action as well.
In all our effort we made one mistake. We did not foresee any of the proceeding outcomes caused by our actions because we were so caught up in the moment. From our intelligence we understand that the very dealer that my pump-action water launcher had been purchased from had sold two other such weapons that same day (we now know that the owners of these had carefully kept them hidden to use most likely in some sick attack of their own, had we not initiated first assault). So what ensued was a war of water; balloon vs blonde, weapon against weapon, the epic battle of boy vs. girl. By the time our full scale attack had begun I had already fell victim to another enemy, homework. Totally incapacitated with my own responsibility I was unable to support my brothers in their fight. This was made all the more difficult when I learned that the enemy had made a counterattack, pushing back our forces and causing casualties on our side, one of them my own room-mate and good friend. From what I know it lasted a grueling 15 minutes.
Though I was not involved in the battle, I have seen its devastating effects... water shrapnel spread over the school parking lot, even into the school's billiard room from which the main thrust of the boys attack stemmed from, countless bodies the victim of its cold, wet dampness. How it fell, popped, splashed, and sprayed without mercy.
The war is not over. Small battles are still being fought and, I believe, will continue to be fought with no resolve but to satisfy each parties own desire to use water to instill fear as a means of control. The conflict will go on.
Now that all my fun is done, I have to catch up on all the homework and reading that I deferred to be able to have such an experience :) I'll drop a couple pictures for you to enjoy. (top pic of me and my buddy Dave a little while back)